Over time, heating and A/C systems can naturally deteriorate, leading to clogged hose pipes that may leak if not properly serviced. This can result in decreased efficiency in both heating and cooling functions for your vehicle. Regular maintenance is essential to ensuring your AC system operates at its optimal performance level. Your Midas at 12672 Poway Road, Poway, CA 92064 offers precision A/C and heating maintenance and repair. Call now at 858-391-6486 or book an appointment online.

  • If the air smells damp, musty, or like mildew and mold
  • If your cabin doesn't warm up in cold weather or is only marginally warmer than the outside temperature
  • If the defroster takes longer than usual to work or doesn't work at all
  • If your heater or A/C works only while driving, not when idling, or stops blowing when the car is stationary
  • If your heating system blows cold air, or the air conditioning blows warm air
  • If there is weak airflow even at the highest fan setting
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